For total peace of mind it is worth paying for a level of gynaecology care that simply isn’t available from the NHS. Flexible appointment times, an exemplary standard of friendly, professional service and a superb environment for consultations, surgery and recovery – all combine to make the care provided by the Gynae Centre second to none.
Our prices are listed below. The overall cost of treatment is dependent on your individual case. The fee is always fully explained and detailed prior to the start of any treatment.
Appointment timings
Surgical abortions
Surgical procedures
- Private consultation by appointment (30 min). £290
- Follow-up consultation within one month. £220
- Repeat contraceptive pills prescription within 12 months. £170
- Consultant-led ultrasound £300
- Level 1 health screen: £700
Includes, questionnaire health screen, breast & gynaecology examination, pelvic ultrasound, blood count, liver function, kidney function, glucose, prediabetic test, Vit D (ESK 1 profile)
- Level 2 health screen (> 40 years): £850
Includes all of the above, plus ovarian screen blood test CA125.
- Consultant-led HPV screen £250
- Consultant-led cervical smear test £250
- Ovarian cancer screen: £750
Includes examination, ultrasound and CA125 blood test.
- Consultation + ultrasound £590
- Mini sexual health screen: £250
Includes chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis.
- Full sexual health screen: £600
Includes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis B core antigen, Hepatitis C antibodies, Syphilis new and old antibodies, vaginal swab and Herpes antigen 1 + 2.
- Fertility screen: £770
Includes examination, ultrasound, AMH and advice.
- Pelvic abdominal or transvaginal scan. £300
- Follow-up scan within 6 weeks. £200
- Obstetric & gynae ultrasound by Consultant Gynaecologist. £300
- Consultant-led HPV cervical screen test. £250
- Consultant-led cervical smear cytology test. £250
- Colposcopy (includes consultation and advice). £700
- Cervical biopsy (if necessary). £350
- Loop Excision (LLETZ) under local anaesthesia: £1,350
Includes surgery and specimen analysis.
- Ovulation scan + mini consultation. £300
- Initial full fertility scan: £300
Includes endometrial thickness.
- Endometrial thickness scan follow-up. £220
- Initial follicle tracking scan. £300
- Follicle tracking scan follow-up. £220
- Fertility ovarian reserve scan. £300
- Fertility screen ultrasound scan, blood test (AMH) + short consultation. £770
- Saline infusion sonography / aqua scan. £700
- Tubal patency test by Hycosy. £700
- Pregnancy confirmation/viability scan. £300
- Early pregnancy scan for viability and dating. £300
- Gender scan from as early as 12 weeks: £500
99% accuracy. Money back guarantee.
- Panorama Basic Test £900
Includes consultation and ultrasound. Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), Triploidy.
Redraw if not enough cells: £400. - Panorama Plus Test £1,000
Includes consultation and ultrasound. Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), Triploidy, plus sex chromosome abnormalities and microdeletions: 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Monosomy X (Turner syndrome), Klinefelter syndrome, Triple X syndrome, XYY syndrome.
Free redraw if not enough cells - Panorama Gold Test £1,200
Includes consultation and ultrasound. Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), Triploidy, plus sex chromosome abnormalities and microdeletions: 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Monosomy X (Turner syndrome), Klinefelter syndrome, Triple X syndrome, XYY syndrome, plus 1p36 deletion syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Cri-du-chat syndrome, gender of the baby (optional).
Free redraw if not enough cells
- Mini sexual health screen: £250
Includes chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis.
- Full sexual health screen: £600
Includes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis B core antigen, Hepatitis C antibodies, Syphilis new and old antibodies, vaginal swab and Herpes 1 & 2.
- HPV test. £250
- Cervical smear. £250
- Copper coil with consultation ultrasound scan and follow-up scan. £500
Can only be carried out between days 2-7 of the period.
- Copper coil removal and reinsertion of new coil £650
- Coil removal if threads are seen: £350
Includes consultation and check up.
- Coil removal if threads are not seen (success rate 95%): £650
Includes additional ultrasound during and after removal
- MIRENA coil insertion/Hormone implant: £650
Can only be carried out between days 2-7 of the period. Includes consultation, check up, ultrasound and follow-up after 6 weeks. Please note: Patients must not have intercourse for a week before insertion, and a urine pregnancy test must be carried out at the clinic prior to procedure. MIRENA coil is licensed for 8 years for contraception use, and 5 years for endometrial protection with HRT.
- MIRENA coil/Hormone implant removal and reinsertion. £750
- Medical Abortion in the clinic, 4-10 weeks: £600
Includes consultation, medication, ultrasound scan, haemoglobin check, chlamydia test, telephone support up to 4 weeks.
- Medical abortion pills by post, 4-10 weeks: £449
Includes remote consultation, medication by post, and specialist consultant support by phone up to 4 weeks. Delivery is included in £449 price. Please note that delivery takes 2-3 working days. This service is only available for UK residents (except Scotland and Northern Ireland).
- Surgical Abortion* under local anaesthesia, (awake) 6-10 weeks: £1,400
Includes consultation, ultrasound scan, Haemoglobin, blood group, Chlamydia test (optional), surgery, theatre fees, ultrasound during surgery, and any follow-ups related to termination, and scans up to 4 weeks after, if required.
- Surgical Abortion* under local anaesthesia, (awake) 10-12 weeks: £1,500
Includes consultation, ultrasound scan, Haemoglobin, blood group, Chlamydia test (optional), surgery, theatre fees, ultrasound during surgery, and any related follow-ups and scans up to 4 weeks after.
- Surgical Abortion* (with sedation) 6-12 weeks: £1,950
Includes consultation, ultrasound scan, Haemoglobin, blood group, Chlamydia test (optional), surgery, theatre fees, ultrasound during surgery, and any follow-ups and scans that may be required up to 4 weeks after surgery.
- Surgical Abortion* (with sedation) 12-15 weeks: £2,750
Includes consultation, ultrasound scan, Haemoglobin, blood group, Chlamydia test (optional), ultrasound during surgery, and any related follow-ups and scans up to 4 weeks after.
- Copper coil insertion during surgical abortion £300
- MIRENA coil insertion during surgical abortion £400
- *Please note there is an additional cost for anti-D if your blood group is RH negative. £100
- Bartholin’s cyst marsupialization under local anaesthesia. £1,500
Optional sedation cost is dependent on the duration of sedation: £450-600.
- Bartholin’s cyst incision or aspiration under local anaesthesia. £800
- Manual vacuum aspiration of the uterus under local anaesthesia: £1,400
Includes theatre fee and disposables.
- Diathermy for genital warts:
- Sedation £450-600
Cost is optional and dependent on duration of sedation.
- Theatre hire under local £800
- Theatre hire under sedation £1,300
- Consultation for vaginismus treatment using Botox. £290
- Botox for vaginismus (inclusive of hymenotomy if required): £1,550
Includes Botox fees, injections, theatre fees, hymenotomy if required. Does not include sedation and follow-up.
- Sedation for vaginismus only £450
- Follow-up for vaginismus only £220
- Hymenectomy/hymenotomy with local anaesthesia £1,200
Includes surgery and theatre fees. Does not include sedation and follow-up. Sedation is at an additional charge if required.
- Sedation for hymenectomy/hymenotomy £450